TouchRight is delighted to announce a new integration with The Depositary – an automated end of tenancy platform used by letting agents, landlords and tenants to help move tenancies from notice received to refund as quickly and easily as possible.
The Depositary connects with all the leading dispute services (Tenancy Deposit Scheme, My Deposits) so that check out information can easily be shared, and has processed over 30,000 tenancies to date. Deposits are being returned within 10 days on average, and agents have seen their workloads reduced by as much as 90%. It helps give staff better job satisfaction and ensures tenants leave feeling valued and cared for right up to the very end of the customer journey.
The integration with TouchRight reduces duplication at the end of the tenancy so you can:
- Identify the meter readings and meter photos in a Check Out Report and send them seamlessly to a tenancy in The Depositary.
- Tag tenant-liable dilapidations in the Check Out Report and send them to The Depositary with photos.
- Send the full Check Out Report PDF quickly and easily to The Depositary, so it’s stored against the tenancy ready for proposals to be signed off by the Landlord before entering the Tenant negotiation process.
If you’d like to find out more about the integration and how it can be enabled if you have a Depositary account, please get in touch.